General Contracting

What’s the difference between design build and traditional construction?


There are two methods you can choose from when building something new or remodelling an old one: design-build and conventional construction. Before choosing which approach is best for your project, it’s critical to comprehend how the two differ because each has benefits and drawbacks.

We’ll look at what each approach entails in this blog article and contrast them in terms of the process, cost and time, quality and safety, and more. Our ultimate objective is to arm you with the knowledge necessary to decide between design-build and conventional building in a well-informed manner.

What is Design-Build.

Using the design-build (DB) project delivery technique, the roles of design and construction are combined into a single, cohesive team. DB transfers project risks from the owner to the contractor, who is then in charge of both the project’s planning and construction. By enabling concurrent design and building activities, this strategy reduces the amount of traditional coordination between various parties and shortens timelines.

Advantages of Design-Build.

The main advantage of a DB strategy is the cost savings brought about by shortened timelines from concurrent design and construction operations. Since all parties involved in the project are working as a single team, this strategy also simplifies communication, which can help prevent disagreements or miscommunications about roles, responsibilities, and standards throughout the process. Last but not least, DB projects frequently yield higher quality work because designers have better understanding of what is feasible from a constructability perspective when they collaborate closely with builders during preconstruction phases.

Challenges of Design-Build

While there are many benefits to using a DB approach, there are also some challenges that must be carefully managed throughout the process. For example, it is important that all stakeholders understand their roles in order to successfully manage risk transfer between them. It is also important to make sure that costs are within budget while maintaining an acceptable level of quality control when making decisions in real time on-site during construction phases. 

What is Traditional Construction.

The owner enters into separate agreements with different organizations for the planning and building services in traditional construction, a traditional method of project delivery. This approach to project execution has been around since before Design-Build became popular and is still employed on many current projects. In this approach, an owner hires a design team (architects, engineers, etc.) to create the project’s plans before hiring a different contractor or general contractor to build the structure in accordance with those plans. Since they are not cooperating as in Design-Build, the owner usually maintains control over both groups throughout the entire process.

Advantages of Traditional Construction.

The most apparent benefit of traditional construction is that it gives the owner more control over specific project components. Due to the collaboration between two different teams working on one project from start to finish, in order to get exactly what they want from their building or structure without any compromises, an owner can, for example, choose different architects and contractors for each part of their project if desired, such as in Design-Build projects. A business owner also has more access to subject-matter specialists than a singular organization that offers all services under one roof might have staff-wise. Compared to using Design-Build methods, where multiple disciplines are represented by a single entity’s personnel pool that may lack expertise in some areas, this could lead to better overall results on some aspects of a given work site.

Challenges of Traditional Construction.

Miscommunication between parties is a problem with traditional construction projects because they don’t work together directly throughout the process. Instead, they communicate through representatives of the owners or lawyers who may not fully understand all the details, which can result in mistakes or delays if the right steps aren’t taken at each stage along the way. Additionally, since everything needs to be meticulously recorded so that all details are presented correctly and taken into consideration when contracts change hands throughout the duration, there is more paperwork than when using Design-Build. Furthermore, because designers and contractors don’t routinely collaborate on projects toward shared objectives, legal disputes over matters like payment inconsistencies, quality control, timelines, etc., may develop.

Comparison of Design-Build and Traditional Construction.

One organization is used for both the design and construction of a project in the design-build technique of construction. As a result, the client’s idea is being realized by a team that includes the architects, engineers, and contractors. Traditional construction, on the other hand, divides these roles so that distinct organizations are in charge of each project step. In this scenario, an engineer will create the blueprints and requirements, which are then distributed to various contractors who offer their bids or estimates for finishing the project.

Difference in Cost and Time.

Due to the close coordination between design professionals and contractors from the beginning of a project onward, the cost and time associated with Design-Build projects can frequently be lower than those associated with conventional construction methods. However, with traditional construction methods, costs are frequently higher since more time must be spent reviewing numerous contractor proposals before choosing one based solely on price – without taking into account potential benefits like experience or quality control offered by certain bidders. Additionally, compared to traditional construction approaches where coordination issues between various entities may cause setbacks during later phases of a project timeline, Design-Build teams typically require less rework and experience fewer delays overall because they are aware of each other’s work throughout the process.

Difference in Quality and Safety:

Due to increased team member accountability throughout all project stages, from concept to completion, design-build projects also frequently have higher levels of quality assurance than traditional construction methods, which prevents finger-pointing should anything go wrong. Additionally, design-build teams can frequently complete projects more quickly while maintaining strict safety standards at every stage as opposed to having them checked after completion as is typical when using traditional construction methods because they typically receive more training in safety protocols.


In conclusion, the building processes known as Design-Build and Traditional building are very dissimilar. Compared to conventional methods, Design-Build is a more effective process that frequently results in cost and time savings while delivering higher quality and safety. It does, however, present some unique difficulties, such as the requirement for better coordination between all parties involved in the endeavour. Due to its familiarity and reduced risk, traditional construction is still largely used today. When deciding which approach to use for your next job, it’s critical to comprehend how Design-Build and Traditional Construction differ from one another. Both have benefits and drawbacks, but choosing which strategy is best for you ultimately depends on how well you grasp the requirements of your project. You should be able to confidently choose the best construction method for your job after giving all the variables careful thought

General Contracting

How to Handle Construction Project Management Like a Pro

How to Handle Construction Project Management Like a Pro

Managing construction projects effectively can be a challenging task. However, it can be achieved through careful planning and execution. This blog post provides some key tips for successfully managing construction projects. It covers various areas such as defining the scope of work, setting goals, creating a project timeline, allocating resources, estimating costs, scheduling, tracking progress, preparing for delays, and the benefits of professional project management.

Every construction project begins with a Scope of Work (SOW) document, which outlines all the work, objectives, and deliverables involved in the project. The SOW is a crucial part of the project as it sets the foundation for the project’s success. It should be clear, concise, and specific to ensure everyone involved knows what needs to be done.

Setting SMART goals is the next step in effective project management. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Stakeholders must be involved in goal-setting to ensure everyone is on the same page. Regular reviews and updates are also necessary to keep goals relevant and achievable.

Creating a realistic project timeline is essential for keeping the project on track. The timeline should consider all potential delays and build in some flexibility to accommodate unexpected changes. Identifying the necessary resources, including materials, equipment, and workforce, is crucial to complete the project successfully.

After identifying the necessary resources, it’s essential to estimate the associated costs. Accurate estimation is vital as it can significantly impact the project budget. Once the costs are estimated, scheduling the project based on resource availability and potential delays is crucial.

Tracking progress is crucial to ensure the project stays on schedule and within budget. Reporting procedures should be established to enable project managers to report regularly on the project’s status and any changes made. Evaluating progress using milestones and benchmarks helps measure progress and make necessary adjustments.

Preparing for delays and unforeseen issues is crucial in project management. Contingency plans should be included in the budget and timeline to deal with any problems that may arise.

Professional project management has several benefits, including improved efficiency, reduced costs, and proactive problem-solving. A dedicated project manager is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the project, ensuring necessary resources are available when needed, reducing delays and other problems that can occur during construction.

In conclusion, proper project management is essential to the success of any construction project. Following these best practices can help ensure a smoother construction process with fewer delays and unexpected costs.

General Contracting

Modern Construction: Why your general contractor should have a strong on-line presence

By: David Auger-Villanueva M.A.

I’ll bet the premise of this blog doesn’t seem obvious, right? Good! It’s not meant to be. But, here’s the thing. If a business doesn’t have some sort of strong internet footprint these days; be it through social media (preferred), strong SEO results, powerful banner presence, etc. run, don’t walk, away from them, because it means you’re dealing with a dinosaur.

Here’s the thing; the business model has changed. That’s as true for the construction business as it is for any other – maybe even more so. What’s the connection you ask? Here are some reasons why this matters to you when you’re looking for a General Contractor.

  • Professional Development: The modern contractor makes every effort to keep up with the newest trends in terms of techniques, materials, design, and other considerations. In 2021, almost all of these things are addressed exclusively on-line.
  • Better Communication: A G.C. who is tech-savvy, is going to be far easier to reach when you need him. He’s also going to be able to reach out to you more easily and more quickly. Might seem like a minor factor – until you have an emergency!
  • Reputation and Verification: I don’t know about you but I don’t have the time to start calling a sheet of references to check out how my contractor did on his last job. Besides, he’s only going to provide you with favourable ones anyway. Nothing replaces a random, unprompted Google review. To have a bank of unsolicited reviews of your potential hire, right at your fingertips, is invaluable
  • Advertising and Publicity: When you partner with a really good G.C. you can benefit from some free promotion at times by simply agreeing to allow your G.C. to use your project in their own advertising. Think about; a busy General Contractor who features your establishment in his company deck or booklet, is giving your business an incalculable number of free views. It’s a win/win for both sides.
  • Partnerships and Networking: Again, this one isn’t so obvious, but it’s really important. If you function as a partner with your General Contractor and share in their on-line presence as well as allowing them to share in yours, you will not only be exposed to lots of potential new customers, you will also be exposed to many, many other businesses and organizations who may never have known you existed without this step. This presents you with a tremendous opportunity to branch out, potentially discover new revenue streams and business opportunities, and maybe even bring you public recognition and accolades.

So, make sure your General Contractor has a strong on-line presence. It doesn’t just benefit him; it can benefit you as well.